Friday, December 24, 2010

Arrival at Advent


Luke 2:1-20

We have arrived. It is Christmas morning. Just as Joseph and Mary had arrived in Bethlehem and were shown the stable. Just as Jesus arrived and was wrapped in swaddling clothes. Just as the shepherds arrived to give him honour. Just as the magi arrived to bring their gifts. We, too, have arrived.

But what do we do now that we are here? Do we forget the journey in the midst of tinsel and wrapping. Do we pack away Advent with the Christmas decorations only to bring it out again next year?

Or do we do what Mary did? Do we "treasure all these things and ponder them in [our] heart?" That is what I hope to do.

This journey has been about clearing out things that block the relationship. It has been about remembering the prophecy, and the message and the plan. But mostly it has been about changing my heart to be more available for the King to enter. And he doesn't just enter on Christmas morning. He enters every single moment of every single day.

2011 will be a year of "pondering and treasuring" for me. Holding fast to the truths he is revealing. I pray that you, too, have moments of pondering and treasuring.

Thank you for Journeying with Me.
Thank you for arriving at the manger with me.

May you and yours have the most Blessed of Days as we Celebrate the Coming of our King!

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Merry Christmas, my dear friend!