Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tagged Meme Catch-Up (Two of them)

I'm really not good at being tagged. So, of course, I've once again let several meme tags slip past me without actually responding.

Kristin tagged me for the following meme with the I (Heart) Your Blog Award. I'm going to answer the questions without passing this on, because I'm so remiss in getting it done. The rules say one word answers. ACK!

1. Where is your cell phone? backpack
2. Where is your significant other? work
3. Your hair color? brown (needs to be colored)
4. Your mother? Texas
5. Your father? (too) far-away
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? write
9. The room you’re in? kitchen
10. Your hobby? stitching
11. Your fear? failing
12. Where do you want to be in six years? wherever German is
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you’re not? organized
15. One of your wish list items? sofa
16. Where you grew up? Texas
17. The last thing you did? taught
18. What are you wearing? clothes ;-)
19. Your T.V.? off
20. Your pet? none
21. Your computer? notebook
22. Your mood? content
23. Missing someone? yes
24. Your car? none (DH has company car, I have none)
25. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your Summer? gone (If changed to your winter since I'm so late---cold)
28. Love someone? absolutely
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? last night

Thanks Kristin, sorry it took me like months!


E-Mom at Chrysalis tagged me for the seven things meme with the Kreative Blogger Award. Obviously, not very creative since it has taken me 3 months to respond. But it is an honor since E-Mom is one of the most creative bloggers I know. So here it is (better late than never):

Seven Things I did Before I was a Mom:
1. I went to seminary.
2. I was a psychiatric social worker on a locked unit.
3. I trained child protection workers in how to do their jobs.
4. I read whole books that did not begin "Once Upon a Time" nor end "Happily Ever After".
5. I spent most Saturdays saying with German, "choose a direction" and then driving that direction to see what we might explore
6. I slept through the night without waking and straining to hear if they were okay in the room next to me.
7. I was less anxious when traveling.

Seven Things that I do Now that I Know Jesus Really Loves Me:
1. I want to study Scripture
2. I make a serious attempt to memorize Scripture
3. I pray more valiantly for those who have not yet made that discovery
4. I disciple others so they will have deeper knowledge of Him
5. I often sit and weep at the awe of what that love for me cost Him
6. I spend more time throughout the day in prayer or praise
7. I see His hand guiding us to the place we are currently standing

Seven Things I would Like to Do
1. Read the books sitting on my "please read me now" shelf (some have been there since Jewel was born
2. Learn how to take really amazing photographs with our new camera
3. Visit Asia, South America and Southern Africa (not too bothered by Antarctica, but want to see the other continents)
4. See my children baptised and know that they are growing in their faith
5. Finish half the cross stitch projects and quilt projects on my current dream list
6. Grow Old with German and know that he is pleased with the wife I am able to be
7. Write a book

Seven Things that Attract Me to My Husband
1. His Faithfulness
2. His Loyalty
3. His Love for God
4. His Love and Care of our Family
5. His Trust
6. His Ability to Make Me Smile
7. His Integrity

Seven Favorite Foods
1. Anything Mexican
2. Thai Noodles with extra chilies
3. Strawberry Cake
4. Shortbread
5. Sweet Potatoes
6. Lasagna
7. Pulled Pork with BBQ Sauce

Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. Stop Whining
2. Time to Go/Get your shoes on/Find your coat
3. We are eating.....
4. Someday (to the constant questions of "when can we...")
5. Stop arguing with your sister
6. I need to write about that
7. I love you!

Seven People I Wish to Pass this Award Along To:
think I'll not tag anyone, since I'm months behind on this


Kristin said... answered!

Susannah said...

Hey, I learned A LOT about you. :~D I really enjoyed your responses. Thanks for playing along. (((Hugs)))