Friday, September 07, 2007

September Goals & this and that

I can't let the first week of the month totally get away without making some goals. I didn't make any public in August, so none to review. Here they are:

1. Get off to a good start with Kindy Home Ed (start 10 Sept)
2. Get off to agood start with Fall Bible Study (start 14 Sept)
3. Finish binding pinwheel quilt
4. Finish Flower's first quilt and plan her second
5. Get Neighbourhood RR ready to mail
6. Finish T's Blackwork RR (and K's if it comes before the end of the month)
7. Write 3 real letters to friends (more than just quick emails)

This and that:
Remember this? Well, she did contact me! I was so excited. I still don't know what God has planned, but I am convinced that He has orchestrated it.

Would you ever stitch one of your BAPs a second time? (This does not include starting over because of mistakes, bad fabric, etc., rather stitching something from the first stitch for a second time.)

The permalink to this post is:

I love all the BAPs (Big Ambitious Projects) that I have completed, but they were each done for a purpose and I really can't see myself stitching them again. I have stitched 2 Stoney Creek Wedding pieces twice for different weddings. Fifteen years ago when I stitched them I would have considered them a BAP, but nowdays I'd call them a medium-sized project. Oh, how our perspective changes, lol.


Anonymous said...

Just reading your goals wears me out!! I love it when you talk about your stitching projects...I find that I can enjoy my lost passion vicariously through you ;). Since you are so great a leading by example I will have to sit down and prioritize my goals for what is left of September. And thanks for the compliments over at my 'new place'...I will accept them on behalf of Heather...after all it was her hard work that brought it all into fruition. She is amazing to talk with and work with.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi MiPa,
Just don't put too much pressure on yourself by trying to achieve all your goals. Goals are good for planning but sometimes they can be a source of frustrations too if ever we fail to accomplish them. God bless you with all the wisdom to achieve all your God inspired goals in life.