Thursday, September 06, 2007

Having Faith or Living Faith

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket There are two people in my sphere of regular contact who have very different life and religious views from me. In fact, their beliefs are as counter-Christianity as beliefs could possibly be. I was musing the other night that I am absolutely able to visit with one of them, and the other makes me soooo uncomfortable. When pushed as to why that was the case, this was the answer that came to me: because the first person holds those beliefs in her life and the second person has the beliefs as her life. With the first person, although I know her life view, her religious beliefs almost never come up. The second person lives it, breathes it and you cannot know her without knowing her belief system.

The revelation chilled me. I wonder how they would describe me? Do they see me as someone who believes in Jesus, but has a life outside that? Or, do they see me as someone whose belief in Jesus is my life? I am ashamed to say, that most likely the first person sees me as someone who believes but that is it. I cannot think that she would be comfortable with me at all if Jesus was the main thing/only thing seen in my life. It would make her uncomfortable. It should make her uncomfortable. (I think perhaps I am a better witness with the second person because her beliefs are so vocal I feel I am able to be vocal as well. How sad is that?)

The problem is, I really like this first person even if her belief system is opposed to mine. Because I like her, I hurt for her because I know that she will not find the peace or comfort or joy that she is looking for in her life until she finds Truth. And, I pray for her to find Truth. But I, apparently, don't live my life in such a way as to intrigue her about my faith. I don't make her bristle. I don't make her uncomfortable. And I need to. Furthermore, I have allowed myself to be comfortable with her. I shouldn't be. The untruths that she bases her life on (however shallowly) should make me bristle. I want to live my faith in such a way that Jesus is totally uncomfortable in me when I encounter lies. I want to love the unbeliever, but not necessarily make camp with them. I need to find the balance.

How about you? Do you have faith or live faith? How do you find the balance? Maybe we can make this journey together.

Father, God, thank you for revealing the complacencies in my life. Thank you for drawing away the veil of rationalization and helping me to see that just saying I believe something will not lead my friends or acquaintences to You. Help me to live the faith that I put my trust in. I want You to be alive in me. I want to feel Your discomfort when lies are told. I want to be Your light shining in the darkness. Forgive me for compromising. Please do not allow the compromises I have made forever be a stumbling block to my friends. I want them to see You in my every word and deed. Thank you for loving them more than I can and desiring for them to know you as well. Oh, God, break the strongholds of darkness in their lives and if I may, let me be a vessel You use to heal them. Amen.

photo from artist= Richard_b


Velda said...

That sure made me think...

Tami said...

I'm not sure I agree with you that your friend should feel uncomfortable around you. People were attracted to Jesus because of His loving acceptance of them. The Pharisees may have felt uncomfortable around Him, but that was because He threatened their authority. Don't we want people drawn to us, not feeling guilty every time they're around us? Yes, we should stir something in them to want to seek God, but I don't want to make them "bristle". Isn't that a turn off?

When the people in my life who need Jesus feel uncomfortable around me, it bothers me because I take it as an indication I am being judgmental or unloving.

Oh, what to do, what to do. . .

Thanks for making me think this morning, MiPa!

Miriam Pauline said...

By way of *bristle* or *uncomfortable* I am more referring to that stirring of the Holy Spirit that can definitely make us uncomfortable. I know that when I am *bristling* around fellow believers it is usually because God is trying to tell me something not that I am feeling that person judge me. In fact, I am often the most drawn to the people who keep me feeling a little off-balance because they are the people God uses to grow me and He keeps me coming back despite the uncomfortable feeling.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi MiPa,
I am so touched by your prayers. So you are in a quandary as to what your attitude should be in the face of your unbelieving friend. I'm sure you have prayed for her conversion so many times. That's what we call prayer evangelism. We have made our testimonials through our Christian articles, let the Holy Spirit do the rest. "Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6b). So long as we write articles for the glory of God and not for the wrong motives, the Holy Spirit shall take over.

Thanks for the very enlightening post. I was so blessed by it. God bless you and your family with the light of God's timely revelations.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing this. May we all endeavor to live our faith not just "talk" our faith. For us, our faith is our life. And we find that sometimes it makes people uncomfortable and upset with us. But that must be a good sign because maybe it means they are being challenged to examine their own beliefs. I really do appreciate what you said in this post.
I also want to thank you for your comment on my blog.

May God Bless You,

Anonymous said...

I understand what you were talking about as far as making your friend 'uncomfortable' and I somewhat agree with what you posted in the above comment. Many times it is the people that 'bristle' us that have something to teach us...but not all the time. Only time and prayer can make this distinction clear. At least in my opinion. There is an individual (a Christian) I know who finds every opportunity she can to 'make me feel uncomfortable' in my beliefs so that I will 'realize that I am not being the kind of Christian I should be". This kind of behavior produces the opposite pushes me further away from the notion of Christianity as displayed by this particular 'Christian'. Sometimes relationships don't show any fruit but the seed was planted without us even knowing it. I'm rambling now. I will now get off my soapbox (giggle)