Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Looking for Silver Linings

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Last Thursday (Jewel's birthday) was given the task of finding the silver lining throughout the day. Luckily, she never saw the *issues* as problems, but I could have fretted all day.

The day was to be a fun day out shopping at Costco with a friend. Costco is an hour away, so it does take some coordination. I checked the website, saw the hours of 10-6, printed the directions (or address for SatNav) and we set off just after 9. My friend had to be home by 3 so we had plenty of time. Took us a few attempts to get into the right lanes to be able to turn down the right road (it is across from a major shopping centre in Manchester and traffic is fun...not). Got to the the almost empty parking lot and got worried. Turns out 10 is opening time for trade, not individual members. *ugh* Walked to Walmart and did some browsing. Fed the girls lunch at McD's a little after 11 and then were able to get in.
Silver lining? The 3 little girls were much more amiable after eating so shopping was more pleasant.

Started home. The highway going opposite us was bumper to bumper for 20 miles due to a lorry accident.
Silver lining? We were going the other direction. AND, if we had planned to be at Costco at noon instead of 10, guess where we would have been? News said it didn't clear for over an hour--we would have never had time to shop and be home at 3.

Jewel had chosen for daddy to bbq sausage for her birthday dinner. German got home from work, started the grill and went to change out of his suit. The grill ran out of propane at that moment. He had 25 minutes to get to the store to replace it before they closed. He made it.
Silver lining? It ran out on Thursday night for the family meal and not Friday night for the big Birthday BBQ with our friends waiting.

Sometimes we only see the irritations in life. But if we trust God, He will often reveal the silver linings behind our frustrations. What is frustrating you today? Why don't you ask God to show you the beauty in it? Blessings on your day....

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Photo credit diana_s on


Tami said...

Thanks for a MUCH needed reminder to look for the silver linings. I needed to be whacked over the head with that this morning.

Velda said...

Like Tami, the whack was greatly needed. Perfect timing...I really enjoyed the way you put this entry together....