It is time for the annual review and choosing a “year word”
to guide my learning this year. Last
year I wrote,
First, I believe that 2013 is a year of TRANSFORMATION. Now,
that word in and of itself is terrifying to me. I am a creature of habit and
change is not always my friend (yes, you can laugh knowing how many changes
that our family has made in the last 3 years). I prefer quiet and home and the
transformations in our lifestyle over the last few years I have known were
preparing me for something. Maybe this is year I will more clearly define the
something. The verse that accompanies this thought is probably obvious but here
it is:
Do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that
by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable
and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (ESV)
This year I want to be intentional about the things that I put into my mind,
that I put things to memory that will transform me and edify me and aid me in
edifying others.
Secondly, I believe that 2013 is a year of EMERGING from one way of life into
something that God has been preparing me for all along. I don't know exactly
what that is yet, but I believe that it will involve a more intentional
emphasis on ministry and writing than I have had in the last few years. I can't
wait to see what is planned!
In 2013, I did not emerge from the chaos of the year
before. No, I probably became even more
entangled. I did not intentionally write much of anything. I did not see huge
transformations in my life (other than yet another international move that was
far from what I intended when I wrote those reflections). I did not do much of anything at all with the
words that I chose for 2013.
And, yet, I do not believe that it was a failure.
The words that are imprinted on my heart at the beginning of
the year are just that---words. I can
use them to guide me and give me boundaries of purpose as I study and learn. I
can allow them to give me freedom to explore new areas that I believe God is
making me tender. Or, I can make them legalistic tools that dictate my writing
and reading and reflecting. If I do the latter, I lose the joy of the
year. Last January I was truly excited
about the pictures of metamorphosis I was seeing and knew that the picture
could explain some of my yearning. But I
had no idea what God had in mind. Yes,
our life was transformed. Yes I did some things intentionally and furthered
those foundations. But, no, it was not as I had planned. I am choosing to believe that it is more of a
success to keep getting up and follow as faithfully as I can what God is
showing me than it is a failure to not have brilliant commentary on a couple of
words chosen in faith.
So it is with more than a little apprehension that I choose
a word for the 2014. On Christmas
morning, one of the ministers at our church was preaching on Simeon and
Anna. He said
“Simeon was a man ready to
recognize the work of the Spirit on the most significant of days only because
he had walked with the Spirit on thousands of seemingly insignificant days…..Simeon
had been promised he would not die before seeing the Messiah….So Simeon had
waited and believed. And waited and believed. And waited and believed. For how
long, we don’t precisely know. Years. Decades maybe. Through them all he waited
and he believed.”
There are promises I have heard breathed in my heart and
spirit. I believe that they will come
to fruition. On Christmas morning some
of those promises were re-whispered in my heart along with the admonition…Wait,
and believe.
My word for 2014 is WAIT.
I am not totally sure for what I am waiting. It involves ministry and writing and
family. In the waiting I expect to find
growth and contentment, but mostly I expect to find the Spirit teaching me to
BELIEVE even when the timing is not my own.
As the sermon’s word on Christmas morning reminded me, “God’s people are
a waiting people,” I want to be a waiting follower looking for what God is
preparing for me.
Thank you for waiting with me in 2013 when I was quiet. I am
glad I have friends who have stayed with me. As
we wait on the Lord this year, may we find together meaning in what we see and
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it
over and over).
all I’ve got left.
God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
the woman who diligently seeks.
It’s a good thing to quietly hope,
hope for help from God.
It’s a good thing when you’re young
stick it out through the hard times.
Lamentations 3:22-27 (The Message)