Two (or was it three?) years ago, when Ann Voskamp first introduced on her blog counting to a 1000 gifts, I participated throughout the month of November. It was amazing how something that simple, writing down the things in gratitude, changed my perspective for that time period. Then life interfered, and I let it go.
At Christmas 2010, I challenged my step-mother and sisters to join me in being intentional about gratitude this year. Each of us received a journal and Ann's book. And for two months I have told myself I needed to also post my list here because here is my accountability. Here is where I bring the things hidden to a forefront so that I have to face them. This week, I have finally got my act together to post.
The beginnings of my (new) list of gratitude (unfortunately without photos, maybe I'll get that far next week):
1. new beginnings
2. warm home
3. opportunities
4. Flower's six years
5. Barbie cakes and smiles
6. time with family
7. watching my girls experience first sled ride
8. hard business completed
9. a movie with my husband
10. and dinner out too!
11. whilst granddaughters and grandparents made memories
12. skip-bo games with 3 generations
13. much needed time alone with dear aunt
14. family trees
15. revealing cousins lives
16. gaining understanding of immigrating
17. comparing their experience to ours
18. talkative taxi drivers giving insight into community
19. snatches of time in a school corridor with other parents
20. laughter of my children
21. mentors for my children
22. a little one who still likes to snuggle
23. a little one who is asserting independence
24. validation of home school endeavor
25. honour of praying for a friend
Joining in community