Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Writer's Block and Little Time

Just wanted to let you know that I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I have a serious case of writer's block and not much time to fight it with summer activities. I'll be back soon....I promise.

Blessings to you!


Velda said...

wow, you, writer's block? Who would have thunk it! Hurry back :) (((Hugs)))

Tami said...

Hang in there, MiPa. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I'm praying for God to move you.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of a little sabbatical myself..we are cut of the same cloth I think..wanting our places on the blogosphere to be filled with substance otherwise we feel as though we don't have much to say....but I always love to read whatever it is you write ;)

Believer said...

Even though you have writers block and a full schedule of summer activities, you came by to comment. Bless you!

Praying that your cup overflows and your senses are heightened to all the beauty around you. Take it all in during the break!

Heavenly Voice

AK said...

Hope you find some rest time during your "busyness" lol. Have a great week friend.