Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In Other Words--Amidst Suffering There is Still God

"Don't blame suffering in the world on the anger of God. He's not mad; he didn't mess up. Follow our troubles to their headwaters, and you won't find any angry or befuddled God. But you will find a sovereign God.
Your pain has a purpose. Your problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end -- the glory of God."

~Max Lucado, It's Not About Me~

Christmas is a hard time of the year for so many people. My neighbour is entering his 5th Christmas without his dear wife, who lost a valiant fight to cancer 5 years and one week ago. He has done a great job raising their two teenagers--but it's been hard. She was faithful to the God she knew would heal her, one way or another, until the moment she woke in eternity.

Last May one of the sweetest men I've ever known lost a battle to throat and tongue cancer. He lost his ability to speak, but just before he died he wrote a note to our pastor. "It's okay...I know where I'm going." Testifying in his darkest days.

Last week friends at church lost their grandfather. At 13, she and her little sisters are more shell-shocked than anything. But the morning after he died, she was at the church serving in the creche--because that is where she belonged.

Suffering. Being sick and hurt. Standing by and watching someone you love in pain and dying. Never easy. This time of year, can be even harder. But suffering is part of this fallen world.

Not one of these people consider the things they suffered or their family suffered to be punishment. In fact, all of them have pointed to the gracious God who carried them, honored them, comforted them and loved them through the suffering. Mother praising God that she saw her teenagers come to know a Savior before He took her home. Gentleman thanking God for almost 50 years with his lovely wife before he would go ahead of her to heaven. Granddaughter praying that this event would bring her own father closer to belief. They saw the bigger picture. They prayed others would see the bigger picture. They may not have wanted the outcome or the suffering, but they want to honor God more.

The testimony of someone who is able to see the hand of God in their suffering is great. The world expects moaning and complaining about all that afflict us. When we can point to a bigger picture they notice. (This does not mean that the pain and sorrow is not there and is not real. In each of the cases I mentioned, the pain is immeasurable--but their hope is measured in the One who loves and created them.) In a small way, we see these verses played out:

Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed."
Romans 8:17-19

Accepting suffering with the hope of God in our lives demonstrates the knowledge that this world is temporary--and what is to come is so much more. The glory to come is worth what happens here. I believe others see that--and if they do not have the hope of the future, they begin to want it. I have seen hard heart after hard heart softened and touched while watching someone bear their burdens in hope and grace. Suffering is not about God punishing, it is about God revealing Himself not only to the person bearing the burden but to all those around that person.

Remember your word to your servant,
for you have given me hope.
My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.
Psalm 119:49-50

Sovereign Lord, help me to be slow to judge others as they suffer. When suffering comes my way, help me to reflect hope in You and You alone. May my attitude never detract from You. Father hold those who are suffering this holiday season close to your heart. May your glory shine in their lives and in their situations. And allow me to hands of compassion and words of mercy to those who need Your encouragement during difficult and trying times. Let me see the suffering with Your eyes and act accordingly. Help me to never forget, no matter the circumstances, You are still God and You still hold the plan to draw others to You. Amen.

Our hostess for In Other Words this week is On the Horizon. Please join us with your reflection on this quote, or just to read others' reflections. Bless you!


Denise said...

Beautifully said, thank you.

lori said...

Testifying in his last days...that one gives me a lump in my throat...
THAT is what this quote speaks to...faith.
faith in what we can't see, explain or understand.
wonderfully said!

Heather said...

This is our sixth Christmas without my father-in-law and I know how difficult this time of year can be for so many. What an opportunity for us to be a comfort and encouragment to them.

Susan said...

Your post was just incredible.

Thanks so much for sheding such light on such a difficult subject.

I love the the scriptures you used, in fact I considered them myself.

They have truly carried me through many hard times in my life.

"Accepting suffering with the hope of God in our lives demonstrates the knowledge that this world is temporary--and what is to come is so much more."


Blessings to you this day,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing so well from your heart. Very touching.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful and heartfelt post. Blessings to you...

My In Other Words

Anonymous said...

Your stories were heartbreaking yet a sad reality of life. I know we can't ever understand this side of heaven why unfair things happen to good people. But, I like what you said about seeing the "big picture." It puts everything into focus when we look at it that way.

Great post!!

Living Beyond said...

AMEN!! That's what I want to be able to do . . . reflect Christ in the midst of suffering - wonderful post - thank you

Keziah said...

That was such a wonderful post at this time of year, which can be so hard for so many people, especially when everyone around them is expecting them to be full of joy.

Glad to be back in touch!

Where is the UK are you? I wonder if we are a bit closer than before?

Wendell said...

"Accepting suffering with the hope of God in our lives demonstrates the knowledge that this world is temporary--and what is to come is so much more."

Thankyou for sharing Mips.

Anonymous said...

That is a truly beautiful article. Wonderfully written, obviously heartfelt, and a powerful testimony.

I'm so glad you participated this week!! Thank you!