I was brushing Jewel's hair, and said half to myself and half to her hair, "You are so beautiful baby."
"Mom," she asked, "when you were a little girl did your mom say you were beautiful?"
(hmmm...how to answer...my mom was not the best at sharing the blessing with her children)
"I'm sure she did."
"Did you believe her?" asked the innocent.
(where did that question come from?! I try so hard for her not to see the way I struggle with my mom)
"Don't you believe me when I tell you you are beautiful?"
"Of course."
"So why ask if I believed grandma?"
"Because wouldn't you remember if you believed it?"
Then she hopped down and went to play. But she is right, wouldn't I remember if I believed it?
Somewhere along the way I learned that God did think I was beautiful. And I chose to believe it. I heard, and believed the words He wrote.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16
I began to understand that if God created me in His image, then I must be created with worth. I believed it and I remembered it. And that is the turning point of being able to minister. Once we believe the worthiness of humanity because of the creative power of God, then we can share it with conviction. Then, and only then, can we expect others to believe us when we tell them God finds them beautiful and worthy and cherished. They will believe us, because we believe it for ourselves. Confidence in our God is attractive--and others will want it.
"Until you settle the issue of your own worth, it's impossible to bring holiness into anyone else's life. Until you understand that your worth is already determined by the fact of your birth, everything else is an exercise in propping up a dying tree."
~ Carol Brazo ~
"No Ordinary Home"
Dear Lord, help me today to show that I believe you by remembering what You say to me about my worth. Help me to live a life that exudes your confidence. May I always be aware that my worth comes not from what I have done or what I possess but because of Your grace as my Savior and my Creator. May my children see your beauty shining in my life and may they always hear and receive my blessing, not because of their actions but because they are gifts from You. Use my life as a magnet to draw others to you, so that they may also believe they are worthy. May I bless others because you have blessed me. Amen.
Christine at Fruit in Season is the hostess for In Others Words this week. Please join us there for further discussion.
Amen my beautiful friend.
I hope you don't mind if I link this post on my post today (did that make sense???) You will find as your children get older they get smarter about what you try and shield them from and it becomes a blessing to sit down and talk with them (with the discernment of the Holy Spirit guiding you) about all that they already knew. Wonderful post...I understand for I have walked this walk.
I am always honored when you link to me. I know that the day will come when sharing is important. Right now, at 4, I just want her to see me respecting her grandma despite the past. ((hugs)) my friend
Beautiful post! Beauty has been sometime I've struggled with as well - had to "rewire" my thinking to see myself the way God does. I pray to instill that in my children.
Thank you for the great post, as always...
What a profound little girl!! "Wouldn't you remember it if you believed it?" I'll be thinking of that all day.
It sounds like this quote really resonates with you. Thank you for being honest and sharing your struggle to find worth. This was a different viewpoint - that we need to be confident of our value before we can share with others. Something for me to think about.
Out of the mouths of babes...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is fun reading what others have written about this quote. Though, I confess. It feels a bit other worldly. I feel as if we all were writing about a different quote.
What a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing. Your daughter sounds sweet and precious. Out of the mouths of babes. Have a wonderful week.
In his endless love,
Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)
Hi. Thanks for your post. It is great!
Also thanks for visiting me and thanks for what you said about The Patriarchs.....I am so looking forward to it all!
In HIM -
My dear friend.... YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Out of the mouths of babes! I love her response, "Wouldn't you have remembered if you believed it?" That is priceless and definitely one that will preach!
MiPa, This is just a precious post. Our children can hoold a mirror to our faces and teach us more than anyone else. Innocence is the bringer of wisdom.
Thanks for posting this today.
Let the children teach! God is so gracious in the season of motherhood, He'll give us bits and pieces to grow from.
Finding our worth in Him is a priceless gift!
Heavenly Voice
I love it that God teaches us/speaks to us through our children! Choose to believe it.
Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful post -- and what a beautiful moment with your daughter. She is wise beyond her years. But you can believe she'll remember that you told her she was beautiful!
"They will believe us, because we believe it for ourselves. Confidence in our God is attractive--and others will want it." Beautifully said.
Your daughter is very wise and insightful . . . she will no doubt challenge you in years to come even more than now! :-) But that's a good thing, right? Great post!
your post made me misty eyed. I read your entries everyday, but often I just don't know what to say. But I wanted you to know I read and admire you so much for your insight. I really learn alot from you. Jewel truly is a jewel isn't she. ((Hugs)) so btdt with my mother too.
"I began to understand that if God created me in His image, then I must be created with worth."
Thank you for this comment. It has given me great pause and a thought I intend on sharing with the older boys.
Amen to your prayer, Miriam :) - I think that when we realize that He has us wonderfully created, we can stand in confidence of our worth-worth to Him.
Be blessed today and always.
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