I have a two year old. And like most two year olds, she believes that she is the master of her universe. Her vocabulary is littered with "Flower do it" and "no me" and "mine." As she asserts her independence she is certain that her decisions are the best and everyone else's, especially Mommy's, need to be discarded. And although she is absolutely adorable in declaring herself the center of the universe, she is wrong. My job as her parent is to guide her to an understanding of her proper place and lead her to follow authority in her life--both from her earthly parents and from her heavenly God. It would be easier to let her do her own thing, but her future would look pretty bleak.
"Satan's ultimate lie is that you are capable of being the god of your own life, and his ultimate bondage is getting you to live as though his lie is truth."
~ Neil Anderson ~
So often I am like a two year old. I begin to believe that I am the center of the universe. I take my own advice, buy my own publicity, go my own path. I act as if my decisions are best, and all other decisions, especially God's, can be discarded. But Satan is not a good parent. He has no interest in curbing that selifishness that makes me my god. (god=who I place as the centering point of my life to worship and follow (Mipa's definition)) In fact, his goal is just the opposite. He cheers me on. He fuels the flames. He tells me that, indeed, my decisions are best and God's are not for my interest. Satan lies to me until I buy the whole deal: I'm god/center of my world and God is not. Then he backs away, leaving me to live the bleak future that I have created in my own power. Because once my eyes are totally on me and not on God, I have no future and I am no threat. And that is living in bondage.
Instead of believing Satan's lies, may we trust God's faithfulness:
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Today's In Other Words is being hosted by Christine at Fruit in Season. Please join us!