Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well we are eleven days into 2013 and I haven't done much writing.  Forgive me if you must, but I don't feel guilty about it either!  This was the first year in 8 years that German had time off at the end of the year--and first time ever he was able to take two weeks--so I have been enjoying relaxing with my family.  Sometimes we forget how to reconnect.

This week was focused on doing the things I would normally have done whilst he went back to work--taking down decorations, catching up on laundry, etc. The house looks "almost" normal and the closets have clean clothes and the baby is still sleeping so I can write!

So moving right along....the typical end of year review and beginning of year post:

Last year my word of the year was INTENT.  I wrote:
As you look around many Christian blogs, you will see calls to live intentionally in 2012. And although that is part of what I am seeing in these words, it actually runs along a different vein than many are using the word. I believe that I am being called to look INTENTLY at motivation, at the things I study, at the blessings I receive and the ministry opportunities that open to me. It is more than making decisions to be intentional. It is about looking at the intent (the motivation) behind my decisions. It is a heart issue. I want at the end of 2012 to be more aware of why I make the decisions I make and that the motivation behind my actions to be more and more based on what I see in scripture.

I don't know how it will look at the end of the year. I just know that it should look different than it does now. I look forward to seeing what God lays in my path as I seek him, intently.

I'm really not able to put into writing what this year has been in terms of this word.  God has used a willful toddler, an international move, changes in church, leaving homeschooling behind, and so many other things to help me to evaluate and reevaluate my intentions.  It has been good.  I know that there is an internal change.  Just not sure I can point to much tangible example.  The writer in me is bothered by that because I cannot communicate what is happening.  However, the word goals are not meant to glorify me in my blog but to change me in my thoughts and motivations.  So, maybe, that is the tangible proof itself.  Anyway, it was a challenging word and I hope it continues to be a part of me the way TREASURE and PONDER and ENGAGE and CONNECT have.

Whilst praying for a word for 2013 I came across this picture (and other variations of this picture) at

The picture resonates with me on two levels and the words I have chosen come from those images. First, I believe that 2013 is a year of TRANSFORMATION. Now, that word in and of itself is terrifying to me. I am a creature of habit and change is not always my friend (yes, you can laugh knowing how many changes that our family has made in the last 3 years). I prefer quiet and home and the transformations in our lifestyle over the last few years I have known were preparing me for something. Maybe this is year I will more clearly define the something. The verse that accompanies this thought is probably obvious but here it is:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (ESV)

This year I want to be intentional about the things that I put into my mind, that I put things to memory that will transform me and edify me and aid me in edifying others.
Secondly, I believe that 2013 is a year of EMERGING from one way of life into something that God has been preparing me for all along. I don't know exactly what that is yet, but I believe that it will involve a more intentional emphasis on ministry and writing than I have had in the last few years. I can't wait to see what is planned!

So that is where I'm at. I've enjoyed reading some of the other "Words" given to some amazing bloggers that I look forward to seeing how God transforms their lives as well. I ask for you prayers as we begin this new year together.

What about you, has God given you a word for 2013? Care to share?

1 comment:

Tami said...

No word for me this year. I've decided instead to institute a plan to stop worrying--Pray for peace, Seek His Presence more than ever, Praise when I don't know what else to do--Pray, Presence, Praise.

I am surprised, friend, to hear you sounding so settled. You have been through so much in the last few years, yet your words sound restful, calm, ready for new personal expanding of your territory. I am anxious to see what transpires this year for you too.

Good to read your thoughts. Enjoy your weekend.