I might have written about first Independence Day celebrations

and seeing amazing architecture

and eating amazing food.

Maybe I would have written about birthdays:
or Christmas presents and Christmas lights

Or a first-ever girls-only trip to Poland
I could have shown you Fairy Tale German Castles:
and German Cathedrals:

and English Cathedrals:

I might have written about school celebrations

I could have written about rediscovering favourite places

I might have even written about the bitter-sweetness of saying good-byes and making yet another international move. Or the elation of returning to a place we have previously loved.
I might have written many things. But, alas, I did not. If I had, you would have seen a little of the joy, the sadness, the laughter and even the tears. Mostly you would have seen this chaotic thing that I call life and (maybe) caught a glimpse of the One who helps me navigate the chaos. I've missed you. I hope to be here more. There are thoughts bouncing around this head that need a place to be voiced. There are things to record for the pure joy of remembering. There are others to recount so that lessons are not lost. Looking forward to a year of new beginnings and re-starts of old passions.
Happy Year's End My Friends. May 2014 Bring Us Together More.