Thursday, May 18, 2006

Can't Stop Shaking

Today was my Bible Study I host at the house. It was a spectacular discussion and God is so at work in the lives of the ladies. But we were focusing on the study. My two darlings (?) and the two year old daughter of one of the other ladies were playing--going from the downstairs toy room to the bedroom upstairs and back. I had closed off the doors to all of the rooms that they were not supposed to be in--kitchen, office, my bedroom and sewing room. My girls do not go through closed doors---they just don't (dd1 can't open them and dd3 has learned that is a no-no). So first they get into the kitchen and get the berries and sliced ham out of the fridge. It is a mess, but I can live with it. I hear them go in my room and know that the only damage they can really do is play with the clothes to be folded on the bed--which they did, also no biggie. But when we went to get them, they had been in my sewing room. And they had climbed up on the shelf (had to move a chair to get there) and got my supply basket down. And they had emptied it and got my roller blade. And they had opened it. And dd3 had cut her finger, just slightly but there was some blood (and no she was not crying at all). I am reeling at what could have happened. If it had been a new blade she could have easily cut off her finger. I thought it was safe, on a top shelf, away from easy access, in a room with a closed door that is known to be off limits. DD3 has had a thorough talking to about not doing that again and I did not accept that she blamed someone else, because she knew it was wrong and didn't come get me (she had tattled on dd1 several times during the morning). I do not know how I am going to keep them out of where they don't belong each week during Bible Study. Maybe the new house has locks on doors? I don't remember. Now I must stop shaking.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Oh my. I'd be shaking too! HUGS to you, dear friend. I too hope there are locks in the new house!