Tuesday, August 02, 2011


But this disappointment, those tears,
this heartbreak is God’s gift.
In this quiet empty ache, He enlightens.
By it, He plants and grows within me a certainty
that there must be more.
And that He is the More.”

by Jo at Mylestones

I can remember as a child, one time, my daddy stating his dreams. They were the dreams of what he wanted to accomplish on the farm. (I don't know how the subject came up, but I remember clearly the goals). Not long after that, there was one of those "perfect" farming years where everywhere you drove there were miles and miles of gorgeous cotton. Daddy met his "big" goals. In fact, he exceeded them! And yet....he wasn't really happy. Late one night I eavesdropped overheard a conversation where he said something to the effect of "I met my goals, where do I go from here?" It was the first time in my young life I remember thinking that there "needed to be something more."

We've all been there. We have reached the mountaintop only to discover that what creates the dramatic heights of the mountain is the valley floor below. So many of the climaxes of my dreams have found me wondering soon after, "is that all?" It isn't all, we are made for more.

The author of today's quote captures this feeling beautifully in her post (linked above). We are created for more.

There is a deeper hunger than that which we can satiate ourselves. There are more awesome wonders to explore. But they are not in the tangible of this world. They are found in the person of Jesus. He is the More. He is that which we continue to crave even when we achieve all we desire.

Feeling let down by your dreams? Feeling overwhelmed by life in general? Too many disappointments in succession? Know that this is not all there is! There is more. In Jesus, we will find the completeness that we crave.

If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:10-11.

Loni is hosting today at Writing Canvas. Please join the conversation!

1 comment:

Marsha Young said...

Oh, Miriam
It is so good to have you back. "Too many disappointments in succession ..." - yes, that will trip us up from time to time, as our human frailty shows through.

But thankfully, He who is "the MORE" is greater than our weaknesses. Blessings to you - Marsha