Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In Other Words--Courage to Wait


"It requires much more courage to stand and wait and still not lose heart or lose hope, to submit to the will of God, to give up opportunities for work and leave honors to others, and to be quiet, confident, and rejoicing while the busy multitude goes happily along their way.”

J.R. Miller
from Streams in the Desert

I hate waiting. Over the next few weeks, if all goes according to plan, you will read of some of my impatience with waiting. Especially when I feel that God is leading in something. I want to follow the lead and go. Quickly.

But God's timing is rarely my timing. And often he asks me to trust his plan, to commit to his plan and then to stand still until the time is right.

I love this quote's attribution that those times of waiting are times of courage. They feel like times of inactivity and inadequacy. But they are not. They are times of active trust and depending on his adequacy. And that is often more difficult than being busy.

The next time I feel like the world is rushing by me and I am being asked to stand still I will choose to take courage because God is still at work. That is all I need to know.

Father God, help me to trust your timing. Help me to stand still and keep hope and courage when things are not moving at my pace. Keep me from sinning in my impatience. Continue to develop your trust in my life. Amen.

Tami at The Next Step is our hostess today. If you visit her site you are sure to be blessed. Follow the links to see what the rest of the IOW community is saying.


Tami said...

Your prayer speaks to me, MiPa. I too become impatient and often ask God, "What are we doing here?" when all He asks is that I faithfully wait. I tend to get too far ahead of myself. He wants me doing what's before me, trusting Him to do what He will.

Too bad we can't get together once a month for coffee (or tea?!) and encourage one another in person. I have a feeling you could really refresh me. Love you, friend.

Debbie Petras said...

You said so much in such a short post; well done. It does take courage to wait. I love how you wrote:

"They feel like times of inactivity and inadequacy. But they are not. They are times of active trust and depending on his adequacy. And that is often more difficult than being busy."
I need to remind myself of that. Thank you.

Blessings and love,

Susannah said...

Waiting.... yes, SO hard to do! ღ