Monday, November 24, 2008

In Other Words---Thankfully or Resentfully?


"Thanksgiving begins with Thanks Living. Life is God's gift to you. What you do with your life is your gift to God."

Thanks Living.

I want to live a life of gratitude. Some days, I do it so well. Other days, I fail desperately. Most days, I have moments of both. Why the pendulum swings?

Thanks Living is a matter of perspective. It is keeping our mind's eye on the fact that everything (good, mediocre, not so great, simple, complex, desired or needed) comes to us by the allowance of God. He pours the blessings into our lives. He allows the difficulties to trickle in to strengthen us. He gives us the mundane tasks as well as the glamourous assignments. He is the giver of all things in our life. We must keep that in perspective. Then, and only then, can we live Thankfully.

I recently reviewed some of my old posts. One was addressed at the question of a friend's son. Do you live your life resentfully? That question still gives me pause.

Today, I want to live my life thankfully. I want to leave the resentment that tries to creep into my being behind. Today is a gift from God and I'm going to live like it is. How about you? Will you live resentfully or gratefully? The choice is all in your perspective.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:15-16

Have a blessed Thanksgiving week!

Today's hostess is Deborah at Chocolate and Coffee. Come, visit and be blessed.


Christine said...

Hi MiPa! Thanks for your sweet comment. You are so right about Thanks Living and leaving resentment behind. My life has been challenging this last year and I need that reminder!! May you be blessed this Thanksgiving!!!

Anonymous said...

Life is lived in our perspective and you are so very right, resentment "creeps" in, often under our vision. Before we know it, our perspective changes as does the way we live. Great reminder to be on guard!


Patricia said...

I love how you share your "perspective." We must have vertical vision and not horizontal if we are to be able to change our perspective. As long as we keep our eyes looking upward to Him and off ourselves--when we leave the pity-party, we can endure anything thankfully and we will enjoy this life with Him, in spite of (or because of) our difficulties and our joys.

Thanks for a lovely post.

Denise said...

Thanks for sharing such a great post.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your perspective. Thanks for a great post!

Susan said...

This was just great! Really enjoyed your take on this quote.

Yes, truly it's all how we truly SEE things...

Blessing to you, and Happy Thanksgiving♥

Laurie Ann said...

Wonderful ponderings on this quote! I loved that you wrote, "He is the giver of all things in our life. We must keep that in perspective. Then, and only then, can we live Thankfully." Amen!

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Thankfully, thanks for a thought provoking read today! I have good days and bad days, too... but I strive for the good and forget what is behind once I have confessed it to God.


Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

You put some perspective into us here.... the pendulum swings because we like to think that God sends the blessings, but somehow lack of blessing means lack of God. WRONG!

HE gives us life and all that comes with it. Our earthly perspective just gets it all confused with our definitions of blessing and hardship and joy and sorrow. . . . It should ALL be joy if we are surrendered to HIM.

Happy Thanksgiving IOW Friend!
Kindest Thoughts,

Anonymous said...

Life gets in the way of our best intentions sometimes, and your post today was a great reminder to me that everything - whether I like it or not - is cause for thanksgiving. Thanks for that necessary reminder!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Indeed, living a life of thanks living is work, especially when we have to leave things behind and work on that. Thank you for sharing your heart.

Karen said...

We do like to swing back and forth don't we. Maybe not always intentionally but we do it. I'm guilty!