Saturday, February 01, 2014

Goal Review and Setting

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It is time for a monthly review of goals and to set some new ones. January was pretty successful!

January Goals:
1. Complete 1/2 block on AAHRH--Yes!
2. Complete 1/2 border on Tea Sampler--Yes, plus a little more!
3. Read 2 books--1/2 way through Bloody Foreigners: Immigration in Britain, 1/4 way through JB Cranfill's Chronicles
4. Post 8 blog posts--Yes!
5. Write 2 letters--Yes!
6. Find missing cross stitch to frame--no, but it was too cold to go through boxes in the garage

February Goals:

1. Complete 1 block on AAHRH
2. Complete border on Tea Sampler
3. Write 8 blog posts
4. Finish 2 books
5. Write 2 letters
6. Help Jewel plan large research project

photo credit: purchased at

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