"Nothing humbles and breaks the heart of a sinnerSome events over the weekend reminded me of a friend who came to know Christ a few years ago. When German and I first met him we commented how sad it was that he wasn't a believer--he lived with integrity, had a comfortable life and didn't see a need for God. He was one of those "good guys" who didn't do anything majorly bad so really did not see himself as a sinner.
like mercy and love.
Souls that converse much with sin and wrath,
may be much terrified;
but souls that converse much with grace and mercy,
will be much humbled.”
~Thomas Brooks (1608 – 1680)~
His sin could have been pointed out to him. He could have been hit over the head with the news of the depravity of man. He could have been admonished that no one was good. He could have easily been alienated from the things of Christ.
Instead, we (and others) just chose to love him. Include him. Enjoy his company and the company of his family. We invited him to events at church he might enjoy. We declined invitations that interfered with church and made other arrangements. And when he hit a difficult time we offered to pray for him (and faithfully prayed) and just loved his family.
Then we each moved different directions chasing career. We stayed in touch, but not real close. One day German got an email that simply said, "I thought you would want to know I was baptised last week." Rejoicing.
I am so thankful we chose the path of loving than of preaching. So thankful he found acceptance and not alienation. And now we have eternity with him.
Father God, help me to be more loving, more merciful, extend more grace and proclaim less judgment. Help me love my friends into your kingdom for your sake. Amen.
This week Twinkle Mom of Sunflower Faith is our hostess. It is her very first time to host In Other Words. Please go welcome her and join the conversation. Blessings my friends!