Monday, March 16, 2015

Verse Six of Twenty-Four

Continuing the theme of rest this fortnight....

The fear of the Lord leads to life,
    and whoever has it rests satisfied;
    he will not be visited by harm.
Proverbs 19:23 (ESV)

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

March Goal Post

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Time for a goal review.  February, for a short month, was extremely productive.

My FEBRUARY goals were:
1. Complete the 2015 RR I will receive mid-month (and the first one if it ever arrives)--have only received the first one today so this wasn't possible
2.  Finish stitching on Fairy Moon and start beading--yes and 50% of beading complete
3.  Blog 4 times--five:-)
4. Write 2 letters--only 1
5. Lose 2 pounds--lost 3!  Slow and steady!
6. Memorize 2 verses with the Siestas at Living Proof--yes
7.  Stitch 1 1/2 Bride's Tree ornaments--no
8.  Finish two books for fun and 4 school-related books --I read Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch for fun.  It made me laugh and made me cry and made me think.  Really worth the read!  I also read The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriquez for fun.  I enjoyed it, and it was fun to read from an ex-pat point-of-view, but is not a book that will stay with me for long.  For school we read Little Britches by Ralph Moody, The Hidden Treasure of Glaston by Eleanore Jewett and The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs by Betty G. Birney.  Although we enjoyed all of these, Sassafras Springs was by far our favourite!  I also read (actually listened to on tape) another 300 pages of that 1000 page tome on American History.

My MARCH goals are:
1. Complete the 2015 RR I received today
2.  Finish Fairy Moon
3.  Blog 4 times
4. Write 2 letters
5. Lose 2 pounds
6. Memorize 2 verses with the Siestas at Living Proof
7.  Finish stitching Summer Garden by Drawn Thread
8.  Finish two books for fun and 4 school-related books
9.  Plan a holiday home!

Verse Five of Twenty-Four

Here is verse number five!  Trying to rest in his comfort.

    I lay down and slept;
    I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.
    Psalm 3:5 (ESV)