I don't know whether to apologise for not being here, or quietly ignore the fact that it has been months since I have posted anything to note, much less of note, or to just simply start again.
I don't know why I'm surprised it happened. I sort of lost myself and stopped writing. Spent more time holding it in my head and less time putting it on paper. In some ways it has been good--just enjoying and living life without the scrutiny of putting it out there. But in other ways it has been lonely--since writing is one of my favourite companions. Truth is, four moves in four years (3 of them international) has taken its toll. We are all weary of making transitions and making new friends and starting anew. Even coming "back" to a place we loved before is full of new transitions. There is a new house, a new village, a new stage of school, a new church building, new friends, lost friends that have moved on. Well, you get the idea. And my family is weary. But this introverted-mother-leader of the family is particularly weary. So I go silent.
There is a song by MercyMe that goes like this...
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
The period of a loss for words has been beneficial. God has been faithful and we have felt ourselves held in his hands and guided in this last move. I have enjoyed this time, even whilst understanding the bittersweet of it. We are settling well. We have our feet under us. The house is unpacked and very comfortable. I have finally framed so many of those cross-stitch pieces done through the years, and the house is decorated uniquely us. The kids are happy and thriving. The girls are becoming young women before my very eyes, and it is scary and lovely at the same time. At least the little one still loves to cuddle in my arms and here "nother tory" and does not mind if I nuzzle that toddler smell in the nape of his neck. There is a new house group at church that we have the privilege to initiate and lead. I have so needed a ministry outlet, and at last we again have one as a couple. I still yearn for a Ladies Bible Study, but am believing that it will come. We have returned to home educating and 2/3 of us love it (one child misses the classroom but loves that we are on our own schedule again). We will be breaking our school year in two weeks and going to visit friends and chill on the beach. A much anticipated time of rejuvenating. We all need it. There is something about sea spray.
As beneficial as it has been, it has also been limiting. I lost that voice, and my soul-well-being has suffered. I've stuffed feelings and I've hoarded thoughts and I've missed opportunities. And so, now I come back here. I come back to find myself, and re-capture the joy of writing and sharing. I am ready to find my words, to try to communicate a little of what God speaks into my life. I am not going to promise that I'll be here frequently, at least not at first. But I've missed you and want to share in your lives again. Part of sharing is being willing and able to put mine out there as well. Maybe together we will move a little further on this journey. Welcome back.