Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stitchin' Post Saturday-24 October 2009


Well I am back from my lovely two weeks by the sea, and back to posting Stitchin' Post updates. Since most of my days consisted of lying by the pool reading or stitching followed in the heat of the day by laying on the roof terrace reading or stitching, I actually have quite a lot to show! LOL! As always, thanks for looking.

Here is the ornament that I am stitching for Flower for Christmas. It would have been finished but I forgot the flesh colored thread, so for now it is a ghost bike rider. (Note for new readers, each year I make an ornament for the girls that indicates something important from the year. This year Flower learned to ride her bike.)

Here is Jewel's ornament. She started piano lessons this year.

Here is the third installment in the Bent Creek Rows. Autumn complete, only winter to do!
Photobucket Photobucket

Here is the latest progress on my Texas block. The road needs to be complete, the house needs a door and some shrubs and the field needs some cotton in it. Should finish it this week.
I worked on two other Christmas ornaments/patterns whilst in Turkey, but those pictures will come next week. Maybe at least one of them will be finished.

Hugs everyone. Have a great weekend!

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