Monday, March 27, 2006

Lovely Weekend

We had a lovely weekend here. Saturday evening we had dinner guests. Entertaining is one of my favourite things. We were entertaining an American couple who are considering joining the same account where my DH works. We were able to answer some of their questions. It is hard to believe that it has already been five years since we sat in their place--considering the move with a myriad of questions. I prepared one of my favourite meals--Coca Cola chicken, roasted potatoes, steamed carrots, salad and cheesecake. The table looked great! It was the first time we had used our "new" antique table that we got at auction a few weeks ago. I was able to set it with lovely spring flowers and my new lace tablecloth we got in Sint Maarten over Christmas. I really felt good about how the evening went.

Yesterday we met with our fellowship group for Bible Study and dinn
er after. My dd1 who always clamps her mouth shut if we try to feed her off a fork---fingers are so much better---picked up a fork and fed herself melon! It was so cute and she was so proud of herself. It kind of made me sad to know we have crossed yet another threshold away from babyhood.

Today is rainy so I'm just playing around with this. I finally figured out how to add my percentage bars to the sidebar. Thanks Kristina for your help! Now I'm working on learning how to add pictures. Hopefully soon! Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I'm so glad you've figured out how to add pictures. Pictures of your girls always make me smile.