Tuesday, February 28, 2012

In Other Words--Scaling the Circumstances

Welcome to In Other Words Tuesday!  I pray that something that you read here today will bless you.  Please, if you have time, write on the passage and add your link at the end of this post.  I would love to read your thoughts.  If you cannot write on the passage, I still encourage you to follow the links.  I am sure you will find blessings in what this amazing group of women write.


Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

These were my Mom's favourite verses.  She called them the "farmer's wife passage" because so often it felt as if all the work was in vain, but that we were still to trust God.  It was not that the tender of the fields or grapes had not done the work, just that the crop failed.  Sometimes in spite of all of our effort we will not see the results we hope to see.  That does not give us an excuse to stop believing God. Actually it gives us more of an opportunity to demonstrate our faith and trust.

I am not a farmer's wife. I was, in fact, a pretty awful farmer's daughter wanting more security than the dependence on weather and land gave.  But I, too, have learned to love this passage. My "though the's" are quite different, but the end result is the same.

It comforted when we suffered through two miscarriages.
Though the womb remains empty...........I will be joyful in God my Saviour.

Watching events of 9/11 from a foreign land, it provided the refocus.
Though there is an ocean gulf between us, and the world seems to be falling apart around us....I will be joyful.

It gives stability in the ever-changing work field.
Though the job is ever changing and location is not stable....I will be joyful.

It provided strength during a serious crisis.
Though our friends desert us and we stand alone in our beliefs....I will be joyful.

And two years ago this last weekend, it provided the base for celebrating my mother's life. Her favourite passage read at her homegoing celebration.
Though my mother is called home and we experience the sorrow and grief....I will be joyful.

Trusting that God is our strength is a choice.  It is not determined by circumstance.  It is determined by intent in our hearts.  Intent.  We must determine that we will trust no matter what happens. In this year where I am focusing on intent, I am brought back to these verses time and time again.  I will be joyful. Not I am naturally joyful. Not the circumstance brings me joy. No, it is a choice. I choose to be joyful. I choose to trust. I choose to remember that God is sovereign, even when things seem dismal.

And when I make that choice, then I am able to scale the problem (the heights).  Then I am able to have sure-feet. It is my intent to believe that allows me to accept God's strength in the tough times.

Sometimes I need to be reminded of that.

I thought, maybe, some of you needed that reminder as well.

Father thank you for giving me sure-feet to scale the things in my life when I trust in you.  Help me to choose joy in all circumstances. Help me to keep my eyes on the source of my strength and not the source of my problems.  Give me your joy as I trust you more.  Amen.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hosting In Other Words Tuesday

Please join me on Tuesday as we discuss one of my Mom's favourite Bible passages:

Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Marriage Monday--At The Kitchen Table

Last week German and I were visiting with a friend from church. He and his wife had been tasked with preaching on the marriage passage in Ephesians 5. He asked us the most interesting question: "What does submission and love look like around the kitchen table?" he went on to explain that he grew up in a church tradition that emphasised submission that was very external but when he visited homes it was obvious 'who wore the trousers' and he found the whole display very hypocritical. He didn't want 'Sunday School answers' but real practicality of how these verses impacted lives.

We had an interesting discussion about collaboration and final decisions and using each others strengths. We used examples of how German truly knows he can accept a job relocation just about anywhere because he knows I will follow, but at the same time he knows some of the places that I would need more time to process or accept. Because of his love for me, I trust that he would give me ample input into those kind of decisions.

Although the discussion was good, or maybe because it was good, it has stayed with me. How does it look at my kitchen table? Several times this week I have wondered if this was really submission as many people would surmise, or if it was going through the motions? I am able to follow German's lead without submitting. Submitting is a heart issue and often I will say and do the right thing and be telling myself that I am right and I am only doing this because I am being a good wife. Just following his direction is not enough. It is about my heart recognising his God-given place as the head of this family. It is about bending my internal thought processes as well as my external actions. It is about not harbouring ill thoughts when his ultimate decision is not my first choice. For me, submission is so much more about intent than action.

I am blessed that I have a husband who truly strives to love me in an Ephesians five way. He does seek my opinion. He values what I have to say. His first priority is to serve God and then to serve his family. That makes submitting to his leadership so much easier. But that does not make it easy. I still have to daily, and some days multiple times, ask God to help me submit to German. I still want my way. I am still obstinate, opinionated, selfish and difficult. Yet through all of that he loves me, and I love him, so we find a way to follow God together.

What does submission look like at our kitchen table? It is healthy discussion. It is sometimes disagreeing. Sometimes there are tears. Often there is laughter. It is not being a simpering yes-wife, nor is it being a constant nag. It is being a supportive help-meet and trusting his love.

So, what does submission look like at your kitchen table?

For others' interpretation of submission in marriage, visit Chrysalis Cafe.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Marriage Monday--Not Becoming Complacent

It is a rare moment where the baby is asleep and all is quiet in our house.

I sigh. "I suppose we have to go finish the taxes."

"Yeah, we do," he replied. "But first..."  There is a slight twinkle in his eye.  He nods toward a closed door. "I think we have time."

We giggle, slip through the door and set up the game.  He comments that this is the first chance we have had to play pool without passing the baby from person to person in weeks.

You may think that playing a game of pool would not be a priority in sleep-deprived parents, but for us it is crucial.  Our nightly games are a chance to reconnect, to discuss things under the cover of noise, to laugh at each other and with each other.  They are a few minutes of  "us time" in the midst of constant busyness.

As I thought about this week's topic of how to keep boredom and apathy at bay in our marriages, this time was what immediately came to mind.  What matters most to us is to keep finding ways to connect.  In the busyness.  In the parenting.  In the work stresses and the moves and the responsibilities.  We must find ways to connect that are fun (outside the serious, decision-making connections that are inevitable). My encouragement to others is have fun together and have rituals together that keep you....well, together.

Your ritual, fun-connection time will probably not be around a billiard table. Maybe it is taking a walk, or going for a drive.  Maybe it is reading the newspaper together whilst having morning coffee.  Maybe it is in pizza and movie night.  Whatever it is, it is important.  Don't neglect to have fun together.  You are less likely to become bored if you are laughing, talking and connecting.

At least, that is what I have found to be true for us.

For other great thoughts on not growing bored, please join the Marriage Monday community at Chrysalis Cafe.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

February Goals


In January I said:

1. Memorize James 1:22-25 about 50%
2. Begin Daniel study not yet
3. Finish Snug as a Bug afghan for Tree at 90% complete
4. Start art lessons for Jewel and Flower started stitching lessons instead
5. Close out 2011 files and set up 2012 files 2011 closed, but not moved until taxes complete
6. Explore ministry opportunity to begin teaching again in process

February Goals:

1. Continue to memorize James 1:22-25
2. Begin Daniel study
3. Finish Snug as a Bug afghan for Tree
4. Stitch one block on Neighbourhood Sampler
5. Complete taxws and set up 2012 files
6. Continue to pursue ministry opportunity to begin teaching again