Hello out there! From a few emails of concern (thank you), I know that I need to assure you all that I have not fallen off the face of the entire earth. I haven't. Life is just happening fast and furious (with slow and frustrating moments in the roller coaster) and I had to make a choice: blog or survive the roller coaster whilst treasuring as many of the moments as I could. I chose to treasure and survive. But this week's quote resonates with me, so I am attempting to put words to screen again.
If we can trust God for our eternal salvation, how can we not trust Him to provide for the “little” things of life?”
M.E. Howard
It would be easy for me to get lost in the busyness right now. We are in the midst of the most major move that we have made in ten years. No, we are not returning to the US, but we are leaving England for a two year stint in Ireland. There is the logistics of the move to navigate, the emotions of children who have never lived in another country to soothe, the culture of a new country to acquisition and day-to-day of life to still accomplish. It is crazy.
But we don't do it alone.
At our going away open house Sunday someone asked if we were worried. Without stopping to process an answer I said that I was sad to be leaving but that God was going before us, like he always does, and so I was not worried. I realised at that moment I truly meant that. I was resting on him in the day-to-day details. And I was not nearly as stressed as I have been in some past moves.
I may have had to give up my "little things" like blogging for a time to do something that seems very large at the moment. But to God, this is one of the "little things" that he asks me to trust him to handle. And he is handling it. And therefore so am I.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.I'll be back in full force in a couple of weeks, after the move is complete. Until then, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Rest with me in letting him handle the little things of our lives. Blessings to you!
Philippians 4:6
Please join us at a new home this week Living for God (and welcome Urailak to the hostess fellowship).